UN, Int’l community urged to take notice of Indian atrocities in IIOJK

ISLAMABAD, Feb 4 (APP): Senior leaders of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) on Friday called upon the international community and United Nations to take notice of unabated atrocities of India forces on innocent Kashmiris in the India Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and forced India to give right of self-determination to the Kashmiri people as per the resolutions passed by the UN.

They reiterated that Kashmiri people would not budge from their principle demands of rights of self-determination. “Neither the Kashmiris would budge from their demand of right self-determination nor bow down to the illegal tactics of Indian occupational forces in IIOJK,” they told APP here.

Senior APHC leader and Chairman Kashmir Institute of International Relations Altaf Hussain Wani said the UN had already passed resolutions to give right of self-determination to the Kashmiris people.

Unfortunately, despite lapse of over seven decades, the UN failed to implement its resolutions, he added.
He said revocation of articles 370 and 35-A was a part of the nefarious Indian designs to change the demography of Kashmir. The illegal steps were taken to transform the Muslim majority into minority, he said.

He said, “The agenda is clear and that is hegemonic designs to impose long desired Hinduvta agenda in IIOJK”. Kashmiri people had already rejected revocation of articles 370 and 35-A, he added.

Abdul Mateen, representing Chairman APHC Masarrat Aalam Butt said the people of held valley were forced to live under such a condition where they even could not breathe freely. There was complete military siege in IIOJK, besides strict communications blockade, including ban on newspapers, Internet and social media. The innocent people were being killed and thousands of Kashmiri youth held under the back law of Public Safety Act, he added.

He said the Modi regime had imposed countless sanctions and restrictions in the valley under the draconian Public Safety Act. Now the ugly face of India and its so-called claim of being a secular state had fully been exposed before the world, he said.

He urged the international community to play its role to settle this longstanding issue of Kashmir.
He was of the views that durable peace could not be ensured in the region till amicable solution of Kashmir issue as per aspiration of Kashmiri people.

Matten said Pakistan adopted a proactive approach to effectively highlighting the lingering issue of Kashmir after the August 5 actions by India. The International Community would have never realized the sinister designs of India in IIOJK, he said.

He also expressed his deep concern over the gruesome killings and gross human rights violations by Indian troops in the territory. It was a matter of grave concern that near about 10 million Kashmiris were continuously besieged by more than one million occupation forces who have been given a free license to kill people with impunity.

He deplored that all draconian laws have been put into force and every shield is being provided to the men in uniform to carry out the systematic genocide of the Kashmiri Muslims.